Here's What Sets Our Retargeting Apart From Old-School Methods

Did™️ reinvent the wheel? When people hear that we have a solution to help them re-engage users on their website, they might assume we did. Thankfully, the platform has a lot more to offer than a traditional retargeting solution does. It’s not just first-party data within that divide, either. Several key innovations set™️ apart, and that’s exactly what we’ll dive into below. 

Key takeaways: 

  1. Achieving over 90% match rates,™ turns website visitor data into household profiles for precision targeting that outshines traditional methods. 
  2.™ builds trust and meets privacy regulations using first-party data and connecting with consumers on their terms. 
  3. With patented attribution methods,™ links marketing efforts to real transactions, offering deep insights and optimizing your ad spend. 

Privacy-First Approach to Retargeting

Traditional retargeting relies on third-party cookies, which track users across the web, often without their explicit consent. This method faces increasing scrutiny and regulation, leading to a “hollowing out” of third-party data. Even if you can still check the boxes for demographic and interest categories in an advertising platform, third-party data is less accurate than it’s ever been — and it’s getting worse. 

In contrast,™ adopts a privacy-first approach by building net-new first-party data from your website traffic. This strategy not only ensures compliance with stringent data privacy regulations but also fosters greater trust with consumers. It’s opt-in, letting you connect with hand-raisers while respecting their privacy preferences. By leveraging data that users willingly share with your brand,™ helps you build first-party audiences the healthy way, without sacrificing effectiveness. 

Household-Level Targeting 

Conventional retargeting methods typically rely on individual user cookies, leading to fragmented and often inaccurate targeting. Match rates, a measure of how consistent a platform's identity profiles are, often fall below 30% for traditional methods.™ revolutionizes this process through its patented technology, which converts first-party data from website visitors into verified household addresses. This household-level targeting provides a more comprehensive and accurate view of the target audience, allowing us to achieve match rates of over 90% on average.  

It’s not just accurate data — because it’s at the household level, it opens new opportunities. By understanding the dynamics of an entire household, you can craft more precise and effective campaigns, achieving better results than traditional cookie-based methods. This is especially true for high-deliberation purchases like a car, a home renovation, or even a college tuition.  

Patented Attribution Methodology 

One of the biggest challenges with traditional retargeting lies in accurate attribution. Marketers often struggle to link their efforts directly to real business outcomes, instead pouring over KPIs like click-through rates and site visits to justify their campaign costs.™ overcomes this obstacle with its unique, patented attribution methodology. By connecting marketing efforts to actual transaction data,™ offers clear and tangible insights into the effectiveness of marketing strategies. We help you understand the real impact of each ad in each campaign, allowing for more informed decisions and optimized marketing spend. This level of detail simply wasn’t possible with traditional methods like cookies, mobile ad IDs, or IP targeting.  

AI-Driven Audience Segmentation 

Traditional retargeting tends to adopt a broad-based approach, often delivering generic messages to wide audiences.™ takes audience segmentation to the next level by leveraging an AI buyer propensity model that determines where each household is in their buying journey and what product they’re interested in. Is 123 Main Street ready for a car? Nope, they’re just browsing. 321 Easy Street, though? They’re about to decide! That’s when you should target and send marketing campaigns to them — and you can, with our platform. 

This sophisticated segmentation allows for highly customized and relevant marketing messages, significantly enhancing engagement and conversion rates. By targeting the right message to the right audience at the right time,™ maximizes the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. 

Data Ownership and Integration 

Data ownership presents another significant challenge in traditional retargeting. Businesses often struggle with fragmented data scattered across multiple platforms, limiting their ability to gain a holistic view of their customers.™ addresses this issue by giving you full ownership of your audiences. This approach allows for seamless integration with existing technology stacks. With a comprehensive view of the customer journey, you can make better-informed marketing decisions and drive superior outcomes.™️ Brings Retargeting Into the Future™ offers a transformative alternative to traditional retargeting, addressing its key limitations with innovative solutions. By adopting a privacy-first approach, leveraging patented household-level targeting, and employing a unique attribution methodology, our platform ensures compliance, accuracy, and effectiveness. It’s a powerful tool that gives you never-before-seen ways to achieve your marketing goals.