The opportunity for an HTML document to appear on a browser window as a direct result of a user's interaction with a Web site.
Personally Identifiable Information; digital information that can be used, on its own or together with other information, to track back actions to a specific, known...
PII Criticality Safety Index (CSI) refers to the dimensionless number assigned to Personal Identifying Information (PII) to designate the degree of control and customization required...
A piece of code provided by a company that wishes to track the end-user’s behavior and identification (cookie) on a website.
A video advertisement that appears directly after an online video. Common formats include :15 and :30 lengths.
A video advertisement that appears directly preceding an online video. Common formats include :15 and :30 lengths.
Programmatic ad buying is the act of using software to automatically bid on digital advertising. Traditional Programmatic is using deprecated technology such as 3rd party...
The use of software to purchase digital advertising, as opposed to the traditional process that involves RFPs, human negotiations and manual insertion orders.
An ad buy done directly between a publisher and advertiser through automated programmatic ad-buying systems.
A typical automated buy, similar to an open auction, in which relatively anyone can bid to buy ad space that is for sale.