Higher education spends a lot of money on marketing and advertising—roughly between $429 and $623 per enrolled student [1] and $2.2 billion on advertising collectively. [2] Yet enrollments are at an all-time low due to the pandemic. According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, “Postsecondary institutions have lost nearly 1.3 million students since spring 2020.” [3]
Fewer people are taking the SAT and ACT exams, which means less targeting information for colleges and universities. In 2021, the number of students taking the ACT declined by 22%. [4]
On top of this, cookie deprecation will have an impact on higher education marketing. Retargeting with programmatic audiences will shift as Google sunsets support for third-party cookies and data privacy legislation becomes stricter.

How can higher education stay ahead of the curve and bring in more prospective students?
Where do you get first-party data? can help by transforming website visitors (aka prospective students) into first-party, household data! is powered by patented technology to help higher education institutions gain higher ROI and ROA. We connect you to in-market households visiting your website. can also help you identify key markets for prospective students and determine their propensity for joining an on-campus tour. We show you which marketing campaigns are working and, more importantly, which ones aren’t. Don’t waste your ad budget on meaningless efforts!

Influence and Immerse Households with Your Advertising
Our Immersive Household® advertising ensures you reach the entire household. Studies show that choosing a college or university is usually a household decision. Most potential students are influenced by their parents. In fact, about 48% of students named their parents or guardians as their top five sources in 2021/2022. [5] It’s equally important to market to the parents as it is the students.